Fostering Global Islamic Education for 10+ Years

Welcome to Al-Madinah Islamic Academy

Embark on a transformative journey towards enlightenment and empowerment! No matter your age, your experience, your level of time-commitment, AMIA offers a variety of courses that will allow you to immerse and enrich your understanding of Islam and its principles:

Summer Program 2024 & Next Academic Year 2024/2025 Admission has started.

Learn what makes us the leading Islamic Academy

Academic Excellence

Elevate your learning journey with our premium educational experience, rooted in the tradition of seeking knowledge in Islam.

Innovative Learning

Experience a dynamic learning environment that blends tradition with innovation, where cutting-edge pedagogical methods are infused with the timeless teachings of Islam.

Expert Teaching

Immerse yourself in a learning environment guided by muftis and qualified ustadhs, dedicated to providing personalized guidance and mentorship.

Islamic Programs

Deepen your understanding of Islam with our insightful courses

Full-Time Programs

*IMPORTANT INFORMATION*: Our Full-Time Programs run Monday to Friday, from 10:00 am and 1:30 pm, and are offered to both girls and boys. There is a registration fee of $100 and a monthly fee of $300. This year’s orientation will start on Thursday, August 31st, after the Maghrib Prayer and official classes will begin Tuesday, September 5th.

Full-Time Hifz with Academics

Islamic School

Part-Time Programs

*IMPORTANT INFORMATION*: Our Part-Time Programs run Monday to Thursday, from 2:00 pm and 4:00 pm, and are also offered to both girls and boys. There is a registration fee of $30 and a monthly fee of $500. This year’s orientation will start on September 9th, Saturday, after the Dhur Prayer and official classes will begin Monday, September 11th.


Summer Program

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